Responsibility for data processing is NARANJALANDIA TAVERNES, S.L.
Your personal data will be transferred coded Internet using 128-bit SSL. We secure our website and other systems using technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, damage, access, modification or copy of your data by unauthorized third parties. However, even making regular checks can not guarantee complete protection against all these factors.
We use the data to automate the buying process incorporating data on the invoice and the corresponding fee charging it. Only some data will be shared with the transport company (name, address, phone number if necessary to set a delivery date). To process payments We may provide payment data to our economically-financial entity. Once the purchase is completed and paid the amount, your data will be protected by avoiding use by third parties.
You have the right to get free information about your stored data as well as the right to correct, block or delete this data. In case you still have doubts regarding the use of personal data or for information on how to make the correction or deletion of data, please contactecon us at the following e-mai:
To properly use the shopping cart, your browser must accept cookies. The shopping cart uses cookies to identify products that have added. This cookie is a small packet of information stored by the browser and lets you keep your identification when you move from one page to another without losing the products in your shopping cart. Because the data in a cookie is not necessary to fill out forms. It is defined upon entering our web and automatically expires after six months. Additionally, you can manage your navigation software in the level of acceptance of cookies of this page and block them if deemed appropriate.
By registering for the newsletter, if you agree your name and email address for advertising purposes you will be used until it is deregistered in the newsletter.
In the event that expressly delegated the following consents during the ordering process. We would like to inform you that you can revoke your consent at any moment.