It is the fruit of the so called: sweet orange. Its name comes from the English word "navel" which means navel, having the fruit this peculiar form at its base. It is one of the varieties known to be among the first of the season to mature (middle November to late January), it has qualities much appreciated by consumers.
Naranja con gran cantidad de zumo, fácil de pelar, sin pepitas con poca acidez, ideal para toda la família.
10kg de Naranjas y 5kg de Limones Limones de cultivo ecológico. Para gente exigente, no contienen productos tóxicos en su piel. Una combinación perfecta entre las mejores naranjas y nuestros limones ecológicos.
It is the fruit of the so called: sweet orange. Its name comes from the English word "navel" which means navel, having the fruit this peculiar form at its base. It is one of the varieties known to be among the first of the season to mature (middle November to late January), it has qualities much appreciated by consumers.
It is the fruit of the so called: sweet orange. Its name comes from the English word "navel" which means navel, having the fruit this peculiar form at its base. It is one of the varieties known to be among the first of the season to mature (middle November to late January), it has qualities much appreciated by consumers.
Orders received after 15:00h, will be processed inmeditely next date, by the logistics collection, packaging and preparation for transport.
Any questions you can call 680 80 90 66
Vitamin C is quickly oxidized and thus requires care when exposure to air, heat and water. Therefore the less heat is applied, the lower the loss of content. Fruits and canned juices having been exposed to heat, they have already lost much vitamin content, so does dehydrated products. In natural juices oxidation affects prolonged exposure to air and not keep them in dark containers.
This vitamin just accumulates in the body, which forces them to be supplied daily through the diet; its deficit causes fatigue, irritation and joint pain.